Having a cat is pure joy and these cute creatures make wonderful pets. But when it comes to caring for them properly, and providing them with everything they need to lead happy, healthy lives, well, that can be quite a bit trickier. So, if you’re a cat owner, or are thinking about becoming one, here are some of our best tips, care advice, and fun cat facts to get you started on your feline journey.
What to Consider Before Adopting a Cat
Cats are, in many ways, the perfect pets. They’re independent, happy to be left alone for hours, and they’re perfectly happy spending the day napping in a warm, sunny spot. But, before you rush out to adopt a new fluffy friend, there are a few things you should take into consideration.
Your Living Situation: One of the first things you’ll want to consider before adopting a cat is where you live. Some cats are more laid back and won’t mind living in a small, cramped apartment, while others will need a bit more space. Additionally, if you live in a home with multiple pets, such as dogs or birds, you’ll want to make sure to choose a cat who is gentle and friendly around other animals.
Your Work Schedule: Cats are fairly independent creatures, but if you work long hours, you might consider looking for a cat who can entertain themselves while you’re not around.
Feeding and Nutrition for a Happy, Healthy Feline
Proper nutrition is key to a cat’s health and well-being. When it comes to picking out the right type of food for your feline friend, you should look for a high protein formula from a trusted brand. Additionally, make sure to keep the food bowl and water dish full at all times, as your cat will need to eat and drink several times a day. If you’re not quite sure what to feed your new pet, talk to your vet for advice and guidance.
Keeping Your Cat Healthy and Happy
One of the best ways to make sure that your cat is healthy and happy is to take them for their annual check-ups with your vet. While cats don’t require a lot of shots, they will still need to get a couple of them every year. Additionally, make sure to brush them at least a couple of times a week, keep their nails trimmed, and play with them every day.
Fun Facts and Trivia for Feline Lovers
As any cat owner can tell you, these furry, adorable friends are one-of-a-kind. Here are a few fun cat facts and trivia to help you get to know your new friend:
Cats Can Run Faster than Usain Bolt: Believe it or not, the average cat can sprint at up to 30 miles per hour, making them faster runners than even the world’s fastest human, Usain Bolt.
Cats Don’t Really Meow at Each Other: While your feline friends are apt to make all sorts of meowing sounds when they’re trying to get your attention, they don’t actually meow at each other. In fact, adult cats only meow at people, while kittens will meow to get their mother’s attention or to try and let her know that they’re hungry.
Cats Rub Their Faces on Everything to Mark Their Territory: Cats have scent glands in their cheeks, tongues, and paw pads, and they’ll use them to mark their territory or to try and establish some sort of bond with their human. This is why you’ll often see your cat rubbing their face on your furniture, you, and anything else that they can get their paws on.
If you’ve recently welcomed a new cat into your home, congratulations and welcome to the wonderful world of feline ownership! With the right care and attention, your new furry friend will quickly become a beloved member of your family. Give your best friend all the love and attention they deserve and, most importantly, have fun with it! Cats are amazing pets, and the more time you spend with them, the more you’ll come to appreciate just how unique each one truly is.